Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mediatomb uPNP Streaming to Samsung 7 series LCD TV

Installed mediatomb on ubuntu Jaunty to make my pictures, music and video available to my Samsung 7 series (2008 model) LCD TV.

First problem:
The TV recognized the mediatomb uPNP server and listed all the available folders and files; however, trying to play anything resulted in a "unrecognized file format" error. I found this fix googling: you have to add a couple of elements to the custom-http-headers section in mediatomb's config.xml. Audio and pictures works after this fix.
<add header=" Streaming">
<add header=" DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=017000 00000000000000000000000000">
Reference link

Second problem:
When I got mediatomb to automatically scan my disk for media files and make them available, most AVI files were tagged with the mime-type of 'video/x-msvideo.' The TV doens't like this mime-type, so I added this element:
<map from="avi" to="video/mpeg">
in the import/mappings/extension-mimetype section. After rescanning the disk, AVI files now have a mime-type of 'video/mpeg' which the TV likes and most divx-encoded files play perfectly.

Third problem:
Some video resulted in 'unsupported video/audio codec' errors. I had already enabled mediatomb's transcoding feature and set mkv files to be transcoded using MPlayer's mencoder (google 'mediatomb samsung config.xml'). So I figured why not just transcode files that don't play nice on the TV directly. I configed files that are tagged with the mime-type of video/x-msvideo to be transcoded by mencoder as well. Then when I run across a file that won't play nice on the TV directly, I use mediatomb to set it's mime-type to video/x-msvideo. BTW, I did try transcoding using VLC but it didn't work for me; kept getting the 'unsported format' error even though VLC was doing something.

Forth problem:
Transcoding works very well except that when playing large, 720p or 1080p video, my computer couldn't transcode fast enough and you get pauses (every second or two) in the playback. But if I pause the playback, the buffer gets a chance to fill up and I get smoother video on resume. The longer the pause the more the buffer fills up and more more smooth video I get.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ubuntu VPN into Microsoft Server

When creating the PPTP profile make sure to turn off all authentication methods except for MSCHAPv2. Also enable MPPE.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ubuntu - firefox - flash 10

Fought with the computer for a few hours trying to get youtube videos to be less choppy. Thought upgrading the flash plug-in from ver. 9.x to 10.x would help. Tried to install version 10 many times using the DEB package as well as through synaptics but could not firefox to use version 10; disabling versin 9 disables flash completely. To make a long story short I had to override the symlinks for the alternative flash player to point it at version 10:

>cd /etc/alternatives
>sudo ln -s /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/ xulrunner-flashplugin
>sudo ln -s /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/ xulrunner-addons-flashplugin

Both flash version 9 and 10 still show up firefox's plug-in list, but 10 is enabled and flash video is indeed smoother.